import os import time import glob import ftplib import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # This username is static and doesn't change between printers FTP_SERVER = os.getenv('FTP_SERVER') FTP_USERNAME = "bblp" FTP_PASSWORD = os.getenv('FTP_PASSWORD') MQTT_SERVER = os.getenv('MQTT_SERVER') DEV_ID = os.getenv('DEV_ID') DIRECTORY_TO_MONITOR = os.getenv('DIRECTORY_TO_MONITOR') UPLOADED_FILES_DIRECTORY = os.getenv('UPLOADED_FILES_DIRECTORY') # Connect to the FTP server ftp = ftplib.FTP(FTP_SERVER) ftp.login(FTP_USERNAME, FTP_PASSWORD) ## Connect to the MQTT server mqtt_client = mqtt.Client() # This is just a place holder in the event that Bambu changes how MQTT works locally # mqtt_client.username_pw_set(MQTT_USERNAME, MQTT_PASSWORD) mqtt_client.connect(MQTT_SERVER) class FileHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_modified(self, event): # Find all .3mf files in the directory to monitor files = glob.glob(os.path.join(DIRECTORY_TO_MONITOR, "*.3mf")) # Upload each file to the FTP server for file in files: with open(file, "rb") as f: filename = os.path.split(file)[1] ftp.storbinary("STOR " + filename, f) print("Uploaded the file: " + filename) # Move the uploaded files to the "uploaded" directory for file in files: filename = os.path.split(file)[1] os.rename(file, os.path.join(UPLOADED_FILES_DIRECTORY, os.path.basename(file))) print("Moved the file: " + filename) # Send the MQTT Print command mqtt_client.publish("device/"+ DEV_ID +"/request", "{\"print\":{\"sequence_id\":0,\"command\":\"project_file\",\"param\":\"Metadata/plate_1.gcode\",\"subtask_name\":\""+ filename +"\",\"url\":\"ftp://"+ filename +"\",\"timelapse\":false,\"bed_leveling\":false,\"flow_cali\":false,\"vibration_cali\":false,\"layer_inspect\":true,\"use_ams\":true}}") print("Sent a \"Print Start\" notification for: " + filename) # Create an observer and an event handler observer = Observer() event_handler = FileHandler() # Monitor the directory for changes and start the observer observer.schedule(event_handler, DIRECTORY_TO_MONITOR, recursive=True) observer.start() # Sleep until the observer is stopped try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()